Next-Gen Sequencing Analysis

We analyse all types of next-generation sequencing data from RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq to variant sequencing (exome or whole genome), to ChIP-seq or bisulfite sequencing. More information.

Functional Analysis

We can help you make sense of your results by placing them in biological context through annotation and integration with data sources. More information.


We offer a dedicated bioinformatics training program for Harvard researchers interested in learning basic data skills and the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data. Our workshops focus on utilizing best practices in the field and research reproducibility. More information.


We drive development of bcbio-nextgen, a framework for the automated, scaleable, reproducible analysis of major next-generation sequencing data types. More information.

Grant and Manuscript Support

We can help plan your grant by suggesting methods and providing biosketches, budgets and letters of suport. We can pre-review and/or answer reviewer questions for your manuscripts. More information.